Agile Scrum Working Agreement


Agile Scrum Working Agreement: A Guide to Effective Team Collaboration

In today`s fast-paced business world, agile methodology has become increasingly popular, encompassing various principles and practices that emphasize flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration. Among the key elements of agile methodology is the use of Scrum, a framework for managing complex projects by utilizing a cross-functional team. An essential component of any successful agile Scrum team is the working agreement.

What is a working agreement?

A working agreement is a set of guidelines that outlines how team members will interact, communicate, and collaborate to achieve their shared goals. It`s a tool that helps to establish clear expectations, build trust, and foster a culture of accountability and transparency. The working agreement serves as a reference point for the team to ensure they are aligned on what is expected of them and how they will execute their work.

Why is it important?

An agile Scrum team is composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. While this diversity can be an asset, it can also lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and inefficient processes. A working agreement helps to address these potential issues by creating a shared understanding among team members.

Moreover, a well-crafted working agreement promotes a culture of continuous improvement. By regularly reviewing and updating the agreement, the team can identify areas where they can improve communication, collaboration, and productivity.

How to create an effective working agreement?

Creating a working agreement is a collaborative process that involves the entire team. Here are some tips on how to create an effective working agreement:

1. Involve all team members: A working agreement should be created with input from everyone on the team. This ensures that everyone has a stake in the agreement and is committed to following it.

2. Focus on behaviors: The working agreement should focus on how team members will behave towards each other rather than specific outcomes. This encourages a focus on collaboration and encourages team members to work together towards a common goal.

3. Keep it simple: The working agreement should be concise and easy to understand. It should be a short list of guidelines, not an exhaustive document.

4. Review and update regularly: The working agreement should be reviewed regularly, at least once per sprint. This allows the team to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to the agreement.

5. Make it visible: The working agreement should be visible to everyone on the team, either as a physical document or in a project management tool. This keeps the agreement top of mind and ensures that everyone is aware of the guidelines.

In conclusion

A working agreement is an essential tool for any agile Scrum team. It helps to establish clear expectations, build trust, and foster a culture of accountability and transparency. By involving all team members, focusing on behaviors, keeping it simple, reviewing and updating regularly, and making it visible, teams can create an effective working agreement that promotes collaboration, productivity, and continuous improvement.